Monday, March 15, 2010

List of Stupid Software

Kodak EasyShare
Cause of stupidness:
  • cannot download a redistributable copy of the software.
  • it installs a heap of trialware without warning.
  • there is no option to prevent the startup with Windows.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Office 2007 Issues

Word 2007 Slow to Type
Typing in Word 2007 is slow - characters appear on screen a few seconds after being typed:
This appears to have something to do with images in headers/footers in DOCX files.  Compress the images using the Word Picture toolbar, or save the file as Word 97-2003 Document.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Windows Vista & 7 Restore issues

Full System Restore
  • Windows 7 boot disk cannot be used to restore a Vista backup, and vice-versa. 
  • Windows Vista does not allow a full system restore to be done from a backup on a 2nd partition to the first partition - needs to be on different physical disks (Error: 0x8000...).  The destination disk partitions will be deleted, re-created to match the original and formatted.
Windows 7 Full System Restore screenshots available here:

Windows Vista Full System Restore error messages:
"A data disk is currently set as active in BIOS. Set some other disk as active or use the DiskPart utility to clean the data disk, and then retry the restore operation (0x80042406)"
Return to the Repair window
  select Command Prompt
  select disk x
    (all partitions & flags on the selected disk are erased).